FDR and Associates engages with companies, organizations, and individuals committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Together—through planning and facilitation, workshops and seminars, training, and development exercises, we work toward creating positive, accepting, and life affirming environments. Finally, we help them identify best practices to guide their operations and transform their cultures. We’ve also added a fourth critical pillar to DEI: B, which stands forbelonging.
Our approach to DEIB work with our clients is straightforward. First, we explore and define DEIB in the context of your organization. We crystalize DEIB organizational goals, then move into the transformational and adaptive work to achieve them.
We begin by asking these important questions:
What does diversity mean to your organization and how will you know when your organization has achieved its diversity goals?
Is there a shared and collective vision for equity in your organization?
If not, have you explored the power dynamics that arise between individuals with different lived experiences? -
Do the agents of change within your organization experience inclusion—feeling respected and having equal opportunities to participate and achieve their potential?
Do people have an authentic experience of belonging—a true sense of comfort, connection, and contribution?